Newly Opened... COMMUNITY JOB HUBS bringing digital job search and training resources to your neighborhood

04/15/2013 21:21


Newly Opened...
bringing digital job search and training resources to your neighborhood 



* Free classes taught by professional technology trainers, to prepare for 21st century jobs. 
* Basic through advanced levels, classes offer professional coursework that can be accessed through any Internet-enabled computer for independent study. 
* Customers can progress at their own pace.
* Advanced levels include certification in IC3, which recognizes an individual’s digital literacy skills associated with basic computer and Internet use.
* Instruction and assistance with online job applications, online job search in Maryland’s Workforce Exchange 

Community Job Hub Locations/Contacts:

Kevin Harding, Job Hubs Coordinator, 410-846-4582,

Academy of Success
200 S Franklintown Rd
Baltimore, MD 21229